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Montgomery County ARES Net Outline

1. [Note: On the third Tuesday of the month, a MOCO ARES Officer will send an e-mail to the Montgomery County Priority Traffic (MOCOPT) listserver. On these days the Montgomery County ARES Net Control Operator should ask for and record on the net report the number of those amateur’s that received the MOCOPT page and e-mail activation.] [ Also there will be no net on the last Tuesday of every even month due to Formal Meeting]

2. Monitor the frequency to ensure it's clear. Current practice is to leave the PL tone (123.0) on during the net.

3. Check to make sure your alternate control station is on the air, then open the net.

4. Ask for emergency or priority traffic.

a. If any is listed, ask for stations that can take the traffic.

b. Pass the emergency and priority traffic.

5. Ask for important announcements for the net.

a. List any important announcements for the net.

b. Make important announcements.

6. Check in mobile or short of time stations.

a. Ask stations that list comments to make them.

b. Release short of time stations.

7. Check in the officers.

8. Check in all remaining stations.

9. Pass routine formal traffic.

10. Allow officers with announcements to address the net.

11. Allow stations with announcements to address the net.

12. Conduct Training.

13. Take any late check-ins, additional traffic, announcements, or comments.

14. Repeat the announcements.

15. Close the net

16. Return the repeater to normal mode.

17. Post Net Report to the Net Manager and Emergency Coordinator at the conclusion of this net.



Note to net control stations ::::: Be sure to identify your Station as required by FCC regulation.

(Every 10 minutes and at the end of the net)

Check to be sure that the frequency is clear for net operation. If the frequency is in use (other than Dayton Skywarn), ask those using the frequency if you may have the frequency for the training net. You may only open the net if those using the frequency will release it. You can only demand the frequency for emergency communications.

Although it is not an absolute requirement for there to be an alternate net control station, one can be useful for relays, fill-ins, and verify the number of check-ins to the net. Possible alternate net control station can be either the next station in the net rotation or any other volunteer. A few minutes before the net starts, call for a volunteer to be alternate control station for the evening.

At 7:59, announce: “This is your call sign. The Montgomery County ARES Net will commence its weekly net in approximately 60 seconds. All stations please stand by."

(At 8:00 Begin To Conduct The Net With The Text That Follows.)

"This is your call sign, now assuming the Montgomery County ARES call sign of “K8MCA” give phonetically, name here is your name and I am located in your location, Ohio. I am now assuming the duties of the net control for the Montgomery County ARES Net. Alternate net control is __________.”

(Unkey and allow the repeater to beep.)

"This net is conducted weekly at this hour and on this frequency for the purpose of testing and training stations associated with the Montgomery County ARES network. This repeater uses a PL tone of 123.0 Hz on the input only and an offset of minus 600 Hz. In the event the Dayton Skywarn Net is in operation, the Montgomery County ARES net will move to its alternate repeater of 444.250 Mhz, plus offset, with a PL tone of 123.0.”

(Unkey and allow the repeater to beep.)

"The purpose of the Montgomery County ARES network is to provide reliable alternate communications in times of emergency, disaster, or national crisis.”

(Unkey and allow the repeater to beep.)

"The Montgomery County ARES conducts the Community Meeting on the “Last Tuesday” of each “even month” and the Business Planning Meeting on the “Last Tuesday” of each “odd month”. There will be no net conducted on the last Tuesday of each month. The Community Meeting occurs at 7:00 p.m. @ The American Red Cross Dayton Area Chapter Facility, located at 370 West First Street in downtown Dayton. The next meeting will be on ___________ and all are welcome.

(Unkey and allow the repeater to beep.)

"This is a directed net, requiring all stations to conduct their traffic through net control. Station to station communication is authorized only with the permission of net control. Any station is welcome to check in, and you are not required to be an ARES member to join the net."

(Unkey and allow the repeater to beep.)

"All stations checking in please state your call, slowly and phonetically, giving your name and location. Let me know if you have any formal traffic or announcements for the net." “If you have emergency or priority traffic, call “Break”, followed by your call sign, anytime the frequency is clear. The net control station will immediately acknowledge your traffic.”

1. Note: On the third Tuesday of the month, a MOCO ARES Officer will send an e-mail to the Montgomery County Priority Traffic (MOCOPT) listserver. On these days the Montgomery County ARES Net Control Operator should ask for and record on the net report the number of those amateur’s that received the MOCOPT page and e-mail activation.

(Unkey and allow the repeater to beep.)

"At this time do I have any stations with emergency or priority traffic? Please call “K8MCA” - Net Control for the Montgomery County ARES Net."

(Unkey-if there is any traffic, handle it now. if none continue.)

“Do I have any stations with important announcements for the net, please call now.”

(Note the stations with announcements and check them in as you would a normal station. After you have checked in all of the stations with important announcements, ask each station to make their announcement.)

"Are there any mobile, portable, or short of time stations, please call now."

(Unkey--record approximately five check-ins, break, acknowledge the check-ins. Continue taking check-ins in this manner until these stations are no longer checking in. If any mobile or short of time stations has indicated that they have a comment, ask them to make the comment now.)

"All short of time stations if possible please stay on frequency until after all announcements have been announced then you may be excused from the net"

"I will now take check-ins from ARES Officers. Officers list your title and if you have any announcements when you check in."

(Unkey-take check-ins same manner as above).

"Are there any liaisons from served agencies and/or organizations, please check in. List your title and if you have any announcements when you check in."

(Unkey-take check-ins same manner as above).

"I will now take check-ins from any station anywhere. Remember to state your call sign slowly and phonetically, giving your name and location. Please call “K8MCA” Net Control for the Montgomery County ARES Net"

(Unkey--take in same manner as above. Continue in this manner until all check-ins have stopped).

(Next handle any formal traffic that was listed during the net. As an example, N8ABC has listed one piece of traffic for Dayton. Ask the net if anyone will take the traffic for Dayton. N8DEF volunteers. Ask N8ABC to call N8DEF to pass the traffic. Continue in this manner until all of the traffic is passed.)

(Ask the officers who have comments to make their comment now)

(Next invite any stations that listed announcements to address the net.)

(After all traffic and announcements are complete:)

“We will now proceed to tonight’s training.”

(If the AEC for Training checked in with training, ask them to go ahead with the training. Alternatively, net control can provide brief training, words of wisdom, etc.) Trainer should pause every 6-8 minutes for you to identify and ask for additional check ins:)

(After the trainer has completed training:)

 “Thank you for bringing tonight’s training. If Anyone has comments on tonight’s training, or wants to add an additional announcement, please call net control at this time.”

(Ask responding stations, in order, to go with their comments or announcements)

(After additional comment has been completed:)

"This is the last call for check-ins for the Montgomery County ARES net. Any stations who would like to check in please call “K8MCA” Net Control.”

(After the last call for check ins is complete:)

"This concludes the business of this Montgomery County ARES net. I would like to thank everyone for checking into the net this evening. I invite you to join us again on our next regularly scheduled net on ________________ at 8:00 p.m.

(If the next Tuesday will be the second Tuesday of the month, announce the next net will be on the 444.250 MHz repeater and a Digital Net will also be conducted on the second Tuesday of the month immediately after the voice net).

As a reminder, the West Central Ohio District 3 ARES Net meets tomorrow evening at 8PM on the 145.110, WC8OH Repeater. Persons wishing to have more information, or wishing to join Montgomery County ARES, please call this station following the closing of this net, or visit our website at"

(Unkey and allow the repeater to beep.)

"This is “K8MCA” now declaring this net closed and returning this frequency to normal and customary amateur use at (give local time).”

Operation Reports:

Either use the Excel Template or provide the information below

Start Time _________ Stop Time __________ Duration of Net________.

Number of Stations Reporting _____.

Call sign’s of stations checking into the net.

Post Report to Net Manager and Emergency Coordinator at the conclusion of this Net.

E-mail listing:

Net Manager – John Ferguson,

Emergency Coordinator - Rob Flory,

AEC Admin – Gary Clark,


Montgomery County Digital Training Net Instructions

(Make an FM voice announcement that net control will be starting a MoCoARES Digital Training Net, digital sessions will utilize MT63-2000 LONG digital mode centered on 1500 Hz in the FM audio. Also call for any emergency or priority stations before starting the digital transmission)

(begin digital transmission)

This is the Montgomery County ARES DIGITAL Training Net.

This is (your callsign), now assuming the Montgomery County ARES call sign of “K8MCA”. I am now assuming the duties of the net control for the Montgomery County ARES DIGITAL TRAINING Net.

This is a directed net, requiring all stations to conduct their traffic through net control. Station to station communication is authorized only with the permission of net control. Any station is welcome to check in, and you are not required to be an ARES member to join the net. Any county, any amateur, anywhere may check in to this net.

This evening we will use both voice and digital modes to facilitate training, identify and debug problems, and answer questions related to digital communications.

Our digital sessions tonight will utilize MT63-2000 LONG digital mode.

We will now take both Voice and Digital Checkins. I ask that you use the format shown in the following example:

DIGITAL SOFTWARE AND VERSION: Fldigi 3.22.07 (version of Fldigi you are using)
Any traffic or announcements?


(after a few checkins, or natural break in the action, acknowledge checkins; Also make an FM voice call because there may be people with equipment problems and can discuss on voice possible remedies)

This is K8MCA, net control for the MoCo ARES Digital Training Net.

(list stations checked into the net)

(call for additional checkins)


(acknowledge checkins again; another FM voice call)

(proceed with training, exercises, if any)

(make a final call for checkins and FM voice for any problem debugging; acknowledge any checkins)

This concludes the Montgomery County ARES DIGITAL TRAINING NET. I would like to thank everyone for checking into the net this evening. I invite you to join us again on our next regularly scheduled DIGITAL TRAINING NET on THE SECOND TUESDAY OF THE NEXT MONTH.

Persons wishing to have more information, or wishing to join Montgomery County ARES, please call this station following the closing of this net, or visit our website at" This is “K8MCA” now declaring this net closed and returning this frequency to normal and customary amateur use.